ALGIERS – Thursday, 04 August 2022 (APS) – President of the Republic, commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, minister of National Defense, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, on Thursday chaired an award ceremony at the National Army Circle in Beni Messous, Algiers, to mark the National Day of the People’s National Army.


President Tebboune was welcomed upon his arrival in the National Army Circle by the chief of staff of the People’s National Army, General Saïd Chanegriha.

After listening to the national anthem, the president of the Republic reviewed a detachment of different Army forces and greeted senior Army officers.

The award ceremony was attended by the speaker of the Council of the Nation (upper house of Parliament), Salah Goudjil, the speaker of the People’s National Assembly (lower house), Brahim Boughali, the president of the Constitutional Court, Omar Belhadj, Prime Minister Aimene Benabderrahmane, the advisor to the president of the Republic, members of the government and the commander of the Republican Guard, General Benali Benali.

The ceremony was also attended by the secretary general of the ministry of National Defense, the commanders of the different armed forces, the commander of the National Gendarmerie, heads of various departments at the ministry of National Defense and the Army General Staff, as well as top State officials, national personalities and mujahideen (veterans of the national liberation war 1954-1962).

The president of the Republic awarded certificates of recognition to retired military members, families of martyrs of national duty, and disabled and severely wounded members of the People’s National Army in the fight against terrorism.

In an address, General Saïd Chanegriha said the establishment by the president of the Republic of the date of conversion of the National Liberation Army into the People’s National Army (4 August 1962) as the National Army Day is inspired by the values of abnegation and sacrifice for the country.

He stressed that it is aimed at inculcating such noble principles in the minds of the successive generations of the Algerian people.

“Our National memory was and will remain the lantern that lights the present and the future of our nation, with all its achievements, glories and sacrifices in the name of liberty, dignity and sovereignty.”

The National Army Day, celebrated on August 4th, was established by the president of the Republic Abdelmadjid Tebboune, the commander-in-chief, minister of National Defense, to mark the conversion of the National Liberation Army into the People’s National Army in 1962.