SETIF (Algeria) – Monday, 08 May 2023 (APS) – The minister of Mujahideen and Rights Holders, Laid Rebiga, said Sunday evening in Setif, that the “commemoration of 8 May 1945 and all our historical events is above all an expression of loyalty to the memory of the martyrs.”
It is also meant to “shed light on the bright pages of our glorious history, to be equal to our long struggle,” the minister said in a speech at the community arts centre of Setif (300 km east of Algiers), at the opening of the commemorative events of the 78th anniversary of the massacres of 8 May 1945.
Rebiga said this historical date represented a “major event linked to the sacrifices and struggle of the Algerian people, marked by suffering and tragedies that paved the way for liberty.”
The minister added that the National Memory day (celebrated on May 8) was an especially significant day, “among the dates marking our history, as it highlights Algerian people’s huge sacrifices.”
The National Memory Day “reminds us, generation after generation, the suffering and the tragedies of 8 May 1945, the atrocious crimes against the Algerian people.”