ALGIERS – Wednesday, 09 August 2023 (APS) – The Minister of National Solidarity, Family and Women’s Affairs, Kaouter Krikou participated Wednesday, by videoconference, in the work of the extraordinary meeting of the Arab Women’s Committee to discuss the topics on the agenda of the 5th session of the Arab Economic and Social Development Summit.

In her address to the meeting, organized by the General Secretariat of the Arab League via the digital platform, the Minister presented Algeria’s experience in empowering women and promoting female entrepreneurship, recalling Algeria’s proposal to draw up “an Arab plan to encourage female leadership in the Arab world.”

“As part of our joint Arab action, Algeria calls for the boosting cooperation between our countries in empowering women and promoting female entrepreneurship, through the development and implementation of a unified Arab plan to promote female leadership in the Arab region,” affirming Algeria’s readiness “to share its experience in this field with other Arab countries, and to draw on the experiences of other countries to bring the various women’s initiatives to fruition.”

According to Krikou, the Algerian State attaches great importance to the political, economic and social advancement of women, given the efforts made in this area, particularly in rural areas.

“The State’s policy aims to encourage innovation and employment by setting up mechanisms and national programs with an economic and social dimension for all citizens, to provide better support for the creation of micro-enterprises and startups, and to promote female entrepreneurship”, she said.

The national program dedicated to rural women and housewives seeks to encourage women to contribute to national production, she stressed, pointing out that this program, launched in 2021 at be behest of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, has recorded “very positive results.”

Women have shown their interest in the measures proposed by the State to support micro-businesses and women’s entrepreneurship, said Krikou.