ALGIERS – Monday, 03 July 2023 (APS) – Algeria has strongly condemned the attack by Zionist occupation forces in the city of Jenin, occupied West Bank, in which several innocent people were killed, calling for an immediate halt to the military operations that “flagrantly” violate the international laws and rules and the most basic human values, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad said Monday in a statement.

Algeria has reiterated “its constant support to the valiant Palestinian people and their just cause to put an end to the occupation of their land and allow them to establish their independent State, with al-Quds al-Sharif as capital,” calling on the international community, especially the UN Security Council, to assume its political and legal responsibilities and ensure an international protection for the Palestinian people and prosecute those responsible for the crimes the occupier has been committing in the occupied Palestinian territories with total impunity.

Since early this morning, the city of Jenin and its camp, in the occupied West Bank, have been the subject of the greatest aggression since 2002.

The occupation forces are using, in the aggression, all types of air strikes and land bombing, killing at least eight Palestinian people and wounding about 50 others, according to a provisional toll.