ALGIERS – Friday, 29 September 2023 (APS) – Algeria has condemned “in the strongest terms” the suicide bombing attack outside a mosque in the province of Baluchistan, in the southwest of Pakistan, on Friday, resulting in dozens of deaths and injuries during the celebration of Mawlid Ennabawi, the ministry of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad said in a statement.

“In this painful ordeal, Algeria extends its sincere condolences to the families of the dead and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured, ensuring its support to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the people and the government,” the ministry said in the statement.

Algeria “reiterates its outright rejection of all forms of violence and intercommunal clashes, and expresses its support to the measures taken by the Pakistani government to put an end to such criminal acts and ensure the country’s stability and security,” the statement concluded.